11 easy steps to fix your Green Pool
A green pool can be a homeowner’s nightmare, but don’t worry—restoring it to its former beauty is easier than you might think. By following these 11 simple steps, you can effectively eliminate algae, balance your pool’s chemistry, and ensure your pool is inviting once again. Whether you’re dealing with mild discoloration or a full-blown algae bloom, this guide will walk you through everything you need to do.
Why do pools turn green?
If your once clear pool has turned green, you’re likely dealing with one of the most common pool problems. A green pool can be caused by insufficient filtration, inadequate sanitation, or weather conditions. A lack of proper filtration can lead to the accumulation of debris and algae. Not enough chlorine or other sanitizers can allow algae to thrive. Rain and other weather changes can introduce contaminants that promote algae growth. Understanding these causes is the first step in restoring your pool to its sparkling blue glory.
How to fix a green pool
Turning your pool from green to clean involves several steps. Follow this guide to get your pool back in shape:
- Remove Cleaners: Take out any suction or robotic cleaners from the pool. Also, remove the plate from the skimmer.
- Super-Chlorinate the Pool:
- For 20,000 to 30,000 liters, add 1 kg of stabilized chlorine.
- For 30,000 to 45,000 liters, add 1.5 kg of stabilized chlorine.
- For 50,000 to 65,000 liters, add 2 kg of stabilized chlorine.
- Alternatively, use the required amount of liquid chlorine.
- Adjust pH Levels: Ensure that pH levels are at 8.2 ppm or above. Proper pH balance is essential for the effectiveness of chlorine and other chemicals.
- Brush the Pool: Brush the walls and floor of the pool to mix up any sediment and algae buildup. This helps to ensure that the chemicals reach all areas of the pool.
- Add Algaecide: Depending on your pool’s volume, add the appropriate amount of algaecide. This will help kill off any remaining algae.
- Add Clarifier: Dissolve clarifier in a bucket of water and distribute it evenly across the pool. Use Ultrasheen or Waterpolish clarifier for sand filters, and Waterpolish clarifier for cartridge filters.
- Run Equipment: Keep the pool equipment running for at least 4 hours after adding the chemicals. If you have a media filter, set it to recirculate. If you have a cartridge filter, remove the cartridge.
- Let Sediment Settle: Turn off the equipment and allow the algae to settle on the pool surface overnight.
- Vacuum the Pool: Vacuum the settled algae to waste. Follow up with a general vacuum if needed.
- Backwash and Rinse: Backwash and rinse your filter as required, then set your equipment back to its normal timer settings.
- Check Equipment: Ensure your cell is clean and your pool equipment is operating efficiently.
- Follow-Up Test: Return for a follow-up water test in 7-10 days to make sure everything is balanced and your pool is ready for swimming.
Special note for naked/ioniser pools
If you have a naked or ioniser pool, make sure to use Miraclear or Hydroclear Algaecide and avoid using stabilized products.
Preventative measures
To keep your pool from turning green in the future, follow these preventative measures: Ensure your filtration system is running efficiently and clean filters regularly. Maintain proper chlorine levels and use algaecide as part of your regular maintenance routine. Be mindful of weather changes and adjust your pool care routine accordingly.
Still puzzled about why your pool is green? Visit the Master Pool Care store for a friendly chat with one of our pool professionals. You can also call us at (07) 3857 8530 to schedule an equipment check or pool cleaning, ensuring any underlying issues are promptly addressed.
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